Saturday, March 29, 2008

Winter Soldier: The Sappy Post

Thank you.
To every one of the hundreds of servicemembers and veterans of IVAW who were able to physically join us, thank you.
Thank you to those who took part in the photo, as well as to those who were still sleeping in, working on the media team, the testimonial team, the logistics team, or any other team I've forgotten that were too busy running around getting all the work done to take part in an attempted group picture.

Some of you are going to accuse me of being too sappy, but I'm going to say it: we are forever bonded. You will always be my family. No matter what position you happen to fill in that family (and yes, annoying little sister and obnoxious big brother are both already filled), or even if you become that alcoholic uncle no one likes to talk about, we will always be family. Any of you can always come knocking on my door at three in the morning. Come tired, and I'll give you a bed. Come hungry, and I will feed you. Come sober, and I'll give you a beer if you want one.

Remember that this is only the beginning. Remember that the St. Crispin's Day speech could as easily apply to this as to a battle. Remember that even if the music is corny, it is absolutely right: we have a sacred charge; we have a duty; our honor compels that we will change the world and make it better.

I love you all.


Anonymous said...

Lets see...whom are those in the foreground, again???

Anonymous said...

I apologise, I can help nothing. I think, you will find the correct decision.

Anonymous said...

Your inquiry I answer - not a problem.

It's Not Vintage said...

Thaanks for sharing